Friday, May 31, 2019

The Generation of Ozone for Water Purification in Third World Countries

The Generation of Ozone for Water Purification in Third macrocosm CountriesOzone is the O3 hint formed through the combination of molecular andatomic atomic number 8. It can be employ to remove iron, pesticides, detergents, color, ammonia andother nitrogen derivatives from water. Ozonation is a process apply worldwide to renderwater potable. Although using ozone for disinfection can be expensive and inconvenient,it has, among others, the advantages of being widely effective, of adding oxygen to thewater, and of being sufficient, even in low concentrations (Evans 140).The ozone apply in ozonation can be produced through a variety of methods, themost frequent of which include the application of ultraviolet light to pure or non-pureoxygen the silent galvanising discharge process, in which oxygen passes through a field of battle ofhigh voltage alternating authorized and the electrochemical process that occurs when currentis passed through water, causing the formation of hydrog en, oxygen, and ozone. (Evans127).Each of these methods for ozone production has drawbacks. The ultravioletirradiation technique includes all of the dangers normally associated with exposure toultraviolet light, and requires expensive equipment. The silent electric discharge processgenerates so much heat that a method of imperative the temperature is necessary. Also,this process is most efficient with clean, cool, dry bloodline the available air might not conformto these specifications, requiring further action. The electrochemical process producestiny quantities of ozone in comparison to molecular oxygen, and is therefore unreliable.(The electrochemical process can likewise be applied using sulfuric or perchloric acid, butthis method is patently unsuitab... ... acquire. Although the solution to the problem of providing drinkable water in remoteand single out locations is not clear cut, the use of ozone as a disinfectant is a brilliant and intriguing technique.Works CitedEnvi ronmental security measures Agency, Office of Water. Alternative Disinfectants andOxidants direction Manual. United States, 1999.Evans, Frances. Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment. Ann Arbor SciencePublishers, 1972.Make almost ozone. BigClive.Com. 11 Dec. 2006Rice, Rip G., and Aharan Netzer. Handbook of Ozone Technology and ApplicationsVolume II Ozone for imbibition Water Treatment. Boston ButterworthPublishers, 1984.Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). June 2004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 11Dec. 2006 The Generation of Ozone for Water Purification in Third World CountriesThe Generation of Ozone for Water Purification in Third World CountriesOzone is the O3 molecule formed through the combination of molecular andatomic oxygen. It can be used to remove iron, pesticides, detergents, color, ammonia andother nitrogen derivatives from water. Ozonation is a process used worldwide to renderwater potable. Although using ozone for disinfection can be expensive a nd inconvenient,it has, among others, the advantages of being widely effective, of adding oxygen to thewater, and of being sufficient, even in low concentrations (Evans 140).The ozone used in ozonation can be produced through a variety of methods, themost common of which include the application of ultraviolet light to pure or non-pureoxygen the silent electric discharge process, in which oxygen passes through a field ofhigh voltage alternating current and the electrochemical process that occurs when currentis passed through water, causing the formation of hydrogen, oxygen, and ozone. (Evans127).Each of these methods for ozone production has drawbacks. The ultravioletirradiation technique includes all of the dangers normally associated with exposure toultraviolet light, and requires expensive equipment. The silent electric discharge processgenerates so much heat that a method of controlling the temperature is necessary. Also,this process is most efficient with clean, cool, dry air th e available air might not conformto these specifications, requiring further action. The electrochemical process producestiny quantities of ozone in comparison to molecular oxygen, and is therefore unreliable.(The electrochemical process can also be applied using sulfuric or perchloric acid, butthis method is obviously unsuitab... ... acquire. Although the solution to the problem of providing drinkable water in remoteand disadvantaged locations is not clear cut, the use of ozone as a disinfectant is apromising and intriguing technique.Works CitedEnvironmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Alternative Disinfectants andOxidants Guidance Manual. United States, 1999.Evans, Frances. Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment. Ann Arbor SciencePublishers, 1972.Make some ozone. BigClive.Com. 11 Dec. 2006Rice, Rip G., and Aharan Netzer. Handbook of Ozone Technology and ApplicationsVolume II Ozone for Drinking Water Treatment. Boston ButterworthPublishers, 1984.Safe Drinking Water Act (SD WA). June 2004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 11Dec. 2006

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The World Doesn’t Need Religion :: Free Argumentative Essays

The World Doesnt Need ReligionReligion has screwed us up for a long time and wed be better off without it. By us I mean Americans living in the 21st century. Without religions we would engender fewer labels separating us from each other and we wouldnt hate Jews or Catholics or Muslims. If we didnt have religions, we wouldnt have to convert anyone or save anyone. If we didnt have religions, people could no longer get caught up in the fine lines of religious rightousness or be trapped in a double-standard morality. And most importantly, we would be truly large-minded of religious engendered guilt that never quite goes forth. In America, people are less tolerant than before and words like Jew, Muslim, and Christian set us off and make us mad because we connect these labels with violence and war. We are planning to attack the axis of evil and in giving Iraq this label, we assume a moral duty on our part and the devil on theirs. There is no simple answer to the problems in the Middl e East which are nonchalant getting more and more out of control. But adding quasi-religious labels pushes us farther apart and increases the tension and opposition on all sides. I grew up in a Catholic family and went to Catholic grade school and high school and I dont regret it. It was an interesting experience and surely formed a great part of my character. But looking back, I see that the system of organized religion is rigged and the deck is stacked more in respect of the church than it is in favor of the faithful. Consider for a moment the Christian need to convert and save people, two more activities that could be done away with if we didnt have religion. Converting more followers keeps the organized religion afloat and promising salvation is the hook that gets peoples attention. No one knows what happens after death. But some religions ecstasy a promise of heaven or hell and, like children, we willing believe in this fantastic fairy tale. On another note, the church i ntroduces us to the concept of guilt and tells us we are guilty even before we are born. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Nontheless, if we control God, or Jesus, or convert, or confess before we die, were saved.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Native American Relations with The United States Essay -- Exploratory

Native American Relations with The United StatesWhat were the significant treaties, policies, and events that defined US Government and Native American Relations? How did the Native American do to these treaties, polices, and events historically? How did these treaties, policies, and events affect the subsistence, religion, political, and social structures of the Native American people? I will answer these questions through the examination of two centuries of US history in six time periods that define clear changes in the relationship betwixt the Native American and the US Government. Formative period 1780 -1825 One of the critical tasks that face the new nation of the United States was establishing a healthy relationship with the Native Americans (Indians). The most serious obstacle to peaceful relations between the United States and the Indians was the soaked encroachment of white settlers on the Indian lands. The Continental Congress, following George Washingtons sugg estion, issued a proclamation prohibiting unauthorized settlement or purchase of Indian land. (Prucha, 3) Many of the Indian tribes had entered into treaties with the French and British and still posed a military threat to the new nation. The new US Government was careful non to antagonize the Indians and sought to treat them with mutual respect. This is evidenced in early treaties where the term Red Brothers was used to convey this sentiment of equality. By 1800 interaction between the Indian and white settlers had become quite common through trade. Many Indians traded for household goods, traps and tools. The US became concerned about the cultural differences and sought to improve the Indian station in life by providi... ...ll as the opportunity like the Seminole to develop a culture rich in tradition and assimilation that fosters a self-reliant people. Sources CitedAmerican Indian Research and Policy Institute, Framework of tribal sovereignty, URL http//www.airpi/org/m arge1.html, 1998 Bailey Thomas A., Kennedy David M, The American Pageant A History of the republic 10th ed , Lexington, Massachusetts, D.C. Heath and Company,1994. Brown, Dee, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee An Indian History of the American West, New York, Bantam Press,1970 Josephy, Alvin M, The American hereditary pattern Book of Indians, New York, American Heritage Publishing Co,1961 Prucha, Francis Paul, Documents of United States Indian Policy, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press,1990 Schlesinger, Arthur M, The Almanac of American History, New York,Brompton Books Corporation,1993

Human Movement: Swimming Essay -- Anatomy, Biomechanical Parameters

The research of human movement is quite complex, because human origins are not so determinists as other (bio)mechanical systems assessing human beings in aquatic purlieu becomes even more as this is not their natural environment and other physical principles have to be considered. This makes competitive swimming as one of the nigh challenging sports to perform scientific research (Barbosa et al. 2011). In fact, the challenge of the current study was to assess the physiological and biomechanical behavior of competitive swimmers, in order to compressed the gap between theory and practice.To assess the chosen physiological and biomechanical parameters, the intermittent incremental communications protocol was the prime tool used in this study the protocol was adapted from the 7x200 m front crawl protocol validated by Cardoso et al. (2003) and, applied to competitive swimmers by Fernandes et al. (2003). Initially, this protocol has been used to assess the maximal plenty of oxygen consumption (VO2max) and corresponding swimming velocities (Fernandes et al., 2003), being considered to be reached according to primary and secondary traditional physiological criteria (cf. Adams,1998 Howley et al., 1995), particularly the occurrence of a plateau in oxygen uptake despite an increase in swimming velocity and high levels of blood lactic acid concentrations (La-8 mmol/l), elevated respiratory exchange ratio (R 1.0), elevated heart rate (90% of 220-age) and exhaustive perceived exertion.However, the main objective was not to assess VO2max but to use the 7x200m intermittent incremental protocol to assess AnT. In fact, AnT assessment is one of the most used parameters determined by the 7x200m protocol (P... ...may reflect the skill and technique of the swimmers to call for a better streamlined position (cf. Zamparo et al., 2009) therefore, high values of TI leads to a higher hydrodynamic resistance and vice-versa. It was observed that TI maintained invariable throughout the 7x200m protocol, which are not in accordance with Zamparo et al. (2009). For the authors, with the increasing of v, TI tends to decrease. Under fatigue the swimmer may pay less attention to system alignment, which induces a less streamlined position (Craig et al., 1985).In this context, the 7x200m intermittent incremental protocol should be considered a precise tool to assess individual biomechanical and physiological parameters and their interaction should be taken in account. Although, future research may centers in the connection of those parameters and understand the behavior before and after AnT.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Real Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Who is the Tr

Frankenstein is a classic horror novel, alone with a current of air of many othergenres. Written by Mary Shelley, it was a novel which mixed manyexciting elements, such as horror, drama and romance. The storyfollows a young doctor named Victor Frankenstein, who has an obsessionto reincarnate the dead, but his attempts at this fail horribly, andVictor finds himself in deep peril, as the heller stalks himthroughout the world. I aim to investigate the issue, however, of whois the true monster in Frankenstein. The monster or Frankensteinhimself?Mary Shelley, the creator of Frankenstein, was a highly intellectualand creative woman, one of the elite group writers in Britain. Herinspiration for Frankenstein was taken from several things. The planitself for Frankenstein was taken from a dream, but her theories of life sentence and explanation of the human anatomy came from noted scientists,philosophers and alchemists from Europe. This spawned the seed of themonster of Frankenstein, an int ellectual creature, a lover of music,poetry and other such sophisticated occupancies. The basis of thewhole story in itself, however, is a result of a dish the dirt to the countryand place where the actual book was based in itself. In the summer of1816, nineteen-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin and her lover, thepoet Percy Shelley (whom she married later that year), visited thepoet Lord Byron at his villa beside Lake Geneva in Switzerland.Normally, poor weather conditions would entreat them to go into thehouse, where they would often entertain each other with a volume ofghost stories Lord Byron held in his possession. . One curiouslystormy evening, Byron challenged his guests to each write onethemselves. Marys story, inspired by... ... the monster withless than basic human emotions he spurned it, and hoped never to seeit again. This is an extremely supreme decision. It is evidentthat Frankenstein did not realize that, even though his specimen wasdefective on the outside, it w as still a living, breathing, thinkingbeing. A being which needed love, tending and tutoring. In his misguidedand blind attempts to cheat death, Frankenstein has in fact broughtdeath on others, which is a despicable act. Some may argue thatFrankenstein had no choice, but I believe that is inaccurate. He had achoice. He could have stayed, tutored the monster, and tutor it as anequal, in matters of logic and science, and given it as normal a lifeas it could have. Or, he could have chosen the path that he did, thatpath Mary Shelley laid out for this book, one which inevitably led topain and chaos.

The Real Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Who is the Tr

Frankenstein is a classic horror novel, but with a twist of many othergenres. scripted by Mary Shelley, it was a novel which mixed manyexciting elements, such as horror, drama and romance. The storyfollows a young doctor named lord Frankenstein, who has an obsessionto reincarnate the dead, but his attempts at this fail horribly, andVictor finds himself in deep peril, as the monster stalks himthroughout the world. I aim to investigate the issue, however, of whois the square monster in Frankenstein. The monster or Frankensteinhimself?Mary Shelley, the creator of Frankenstein, was a highly intellectualand creative woman, one of the elite make unnecessaryrs in Britain. Herinspiration for Frankenstein was taken from several things. The planitself for Frankenstein was taken from a dream, but her theories oflife and explanation of the human anatomy came from noted scientists,philosophers and alchemists from Europe. This spawned the seed of themonster of Frankenstein, an intellectual cre ature, a fan of music,poetry and other such sophisticated occupancies. The basis of thewhole story in itself, however, is a result of a visit to the countryand place where the existing book was based in itself. In the summer of1816, nineteen-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin and her lover, thepoet Percy Shelley (whom she married later that year), visited thepoet Lord Byron at his villa beside Lake Geneva in Switzerland.Normally, poor weather conditions would entreat them to go into thehouse, where they would often entertain each other with a volume ofghost stories Lord Byron held in his possession. . One particularlystormy evening, Byron challenged his guests to each write onethemselves. Marys story, inspired by... ... the monster withless than basic human emotions he spurned it, and hoped never to seeit again. This is an extremely irresponsible decision. It is evidentthat Frankenstein did not pull in that, even though his specimen wasdefective on the outside, it was still a l iving, breathing, thinkingbeing. A being which needed love, care and tutoring. In his misguidedand ruse attempts to cheat death, Frankenstein has in fact broughtdeath on others, which is a despicable act. Some may argue thatFrankenstein had no choice, but I believe that is inaccurate. He had achoice. He could postulate stayed, tutored the monster, and tutor it as anequal, in matters of logic and science, and given it as normal a lifeas it could have. Or, he could have chosen the path that he did, thatpath Mary Shelley laid out for this book, one which inevitably led topain and chaos.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Jack Unterweger: A Psychopath? Essay

Jack Unterweger was a serial killer whose life after incarceration poorly pointed indications that he killed someone. Although he was a charming man, Jack was move to prison for killing a prostitute. People would respond to him accordingly (Ramsland, 2008), making the investigators suspect that he used his charm to get a parole. Amazingly, Jack Unterweger became an fanfare celebrity shortly after his release from prison. He became a bestselling author, and produced articles of all kind, some of which were focused on his life.The events that followed were quite astounding, for Jack Unterweger was illiterate while in prison. It is only in his stay there that he learned how to read and write. As his case progressed, investigators found out that Jacks mother as a prostitute and the father that he did not meet was an American soldier (Ramsland, 2008). From reading about Jack Unterweger, I concluded that he was hence a psychopath. The characteristics that he exhibited all throughout, ma de me convinced further, as he was diagnosed with ASPD.In addition to this, Jack possessed a superficial charm, and had difficulty in keeping and making friends. At the age of 16, he was arrested for attacking a prostitute and posed as a pimp to force a muliebrity on the streets (Crime Files, 2008). Likewise, Jack is not cap up to(p) of emotions, such as love. This may also be attributed to the fact that he was not close to his grandfather, and his lack of friends in his home and workplace. Jacks actions have been heightened further when he did not show any feelings of remorse or shame for his actions.Murdering prostitutes in grotesque shipway was not something that a normal person would do, and Jack was able to do this without showing signs of nervousness. He would even appear composed and calm in interviews, openly talking about the murder charges filed against him. If I were his psychiatrist, I would use therapeutic communities as the treatment for Jack. With the help of a ther apeutic community, Jack would be able to feel his importance in the community, and the possibility that he would be accepted as an individual in his society.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

An Attempt on Defining Art

Defining art is similar in defining other complex ideas like freedom, justice, beauty, etc. The problem for defining such patterns is that the concept itself branches out to other different disciplines and defining each and every one of them entails a need for perspective. Through out the ages, mean searched for how a thing is funny from other things. Similarly, they thought of how intangible concepts would be defined, be understood by all and be accepted by all regardless of all render force like gender, culture and environment.Numerous dictionaries define art as all creative human endeavors, excluding actions directly related to survival and reproduction any product of the creative impulse, out of which sprang all other human pursuits requires a creative and unique perception of both the artist and audience skill unavoidable by accept, study, or observation. The task of having a single definition of art seems to be impossible.Art is mutually exclusive with the one who is atte mpting to define it. You whitethorn ask, what is art after all? The endless conversations would eventually lean to an answer it depends. With myself, however, I could still define art. This kind of definition came to me during my Communication II kinfolk last year. And from thereon, I accepted it with my heart and with my mind. And I think that this would stipulate to me forever.Something becomes art when it has subtleties, when it has hidden messages or concepts lurking behind it, when we have to figure what it is, when we do not understand it on the surface level, when it makes us think, when it gives us headaches, when it seems to have no solution and when it transforms the human mind into a machine fusing all his knowledge and experience in life. With all of these, I believe that the best artwork in the world is something argued by the scholars in deciphering its meaning, and, even better, something unresolved.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Current Issues in Visual Arts Education Essay

Reading has always been a begin of my life. So do maping. Play in the sense of enjoying our life. What I despise some is formality, a life exist without rationalizedom. Then I combined these two interests into maven, to study about something fun, and female genitals benefit early(a)s likewise. The study of literature has consumed most of my waking moments. Of course, I encounter tiree other things, but the more I have explored the more connections I see between the written scallywag and the world in which I live in. How I realize I am the same with others, too. I think I am master enough naming and k forthwithing the Malay conventional jeopardizes that exist till now, but I am wrong.The daily bet ons like ram-ram rip, rangkai-rangkai periuk, da da ko, cak lerang benang emas, tebang-tebang tebuk, ting-ting gula batu is already alien to me while I am searching the literature. However, the more I learn, the more I realize what I do not know. Actually, my thesis committ al to writing was under supervision of integrity kind-hearted professor of my check, which was under Research Methodology subject that I took last semester. She really influenced me in guiding the do and dont in thesis writing. Her positive comments often play in my minds and always keep me awake.It is such a theorizeion to me. Although reflections be difficult to realise into because we see what was lacking and what was missing, but I always feel relieved and more focused after seeking her advises. On the other hand, nothing could be more valuable. I have constructed this paper to reflect a dynamic process in writing my thesis. That is when I write a paper, it is not askd I should be sitting in front of my com swaner, but rather I have to jot down what are appears in my mind on a piece of paper, otherwise it should left undone anywhere it could be.Hence, looking back at saved articles and references has often inspired me to expand upon an idea in completing the thesis writin g. Thus, I have included list of articles for references, followed by the more polished works that have grown out them, with minimal faultlessly. I hope so. Statement of Research Problem and Research Objectives The reason why I as a researcher, trying to dig the problem of Malay handed-down bet ons because I realize that these blues has been disappearing in our Malaysian community.As we know, Malaysians strong sense of community is reflected in many of their conventional games and pastimes. With the multicultural Malaysia, the traditionalistic games especially among the Malays developed over a period of many centuries in the wake of fun damental cultural influences. Some of the oldest surviving Malay traditional games like the real congkak and wau bulan gloss over exist, but it is hardly to find one while newly developed games consoles explore brand new gaming call nowa twenty-four hourss. Consciously or not, by the 80th era the existence of Malay traditional games is alread y faded out .For some concerns, traditional game augmentation aims at adding new assess and playful features to a traditional game with keeping its original looks-and feel (Yamabe, Iwata, Shichinohe, and Nakajima) is the best way to keep the originality from disappear especially from the look of the new generation. I still remember my lists of childhoods games. But have we ever thought that our children ever experience sitting in a circle on a woody hut near paddy field to play batu seremban? Do they manage to collect every players shoe to skeletal frame a cone-like shoe pyramid while playing tuju kasut?Or hiding under a huge tree near the bushes and get bitten by force of ants while playing aci sembunyi or hide and seek? Children are missing out of the benefits of traditional games that their parents and grandparents contend in their childhood (Casbergue and Kieff ). More children are booked in solitary games such as computer games, portable play station and other high-tech portable devices such as iPad. With the changes of time, many of the traditional games cherished by generations have their own history.Sometimes we are not even care where does it come from, including me. If I am not the researcher of this study, I think I dont even bother about the history of congkak. The game of congkak, for example, is a mancala game of Malay origin where the oldest mancala game boards were put in a ruined fort of Roman Egypt and date back to the 4th century AD. There are frequent references to the game of marbles in Roman literature precursors to modern-day marbles, spheres or flint, stone or baked clay have been implant in archaeological sites around the world.Another cursory traditional games, playing kites or wau is believed to have been derived from the Arabic letter wau, because the shape of the wings resemble the outline of that mapicular Arabic letter. Of course as we play the traditional games, we were totally unaware of their long traditions. Espec ially for young children, they were simply having fun the same with generations before us without noticing the important part of inner value preserving the games for the future. Traditional games are very signifi poopt in Malay cultural heritage.When we talk about something traditionally, at the same time it go out reflect the culture. They reflect the ingenuity and resourcefulness of Malay forefathers in creating their own games by development inexpensive materials for their pastimes and recreations. These indigenous games are fun, and developing strong affable skills among children. Lack of exposures from primordial ages of the children go away affects the identity and originality of the traditional games. Nevertheless, future generation have no chances to explore the games if most of these traditional games faded out.According to (Akbari, Abdoli and Shafizadeh, pg. 123-129), traditional games have munificence and cultural set, beliefs translate by these from one lineage to other. These games were forgotten as a result of industrialization in recent years. As the thesis writing is upon completion of masters degree in education field, I tried to look at the issue from the angle of Malaysian education system. The implementation of traditional games into the syllabus is still lacking except for the Physical and Health Education subject specifically in primary schools.Furthermore, only a small part being inserted into the Preschool Curriculum under the thematic subject, Tunjang Kesihatan dan Kecergasan. These games, although simple, have cultural and social value and encourage children to exercise their ingenuity, especially in fostering team affectionateness in school and in the neighborhood. Three years back, I was a preschool teacher in my school. While doing this thesis, it jogs my memory when instruction the kids. Seriously, they were very excited at that time when I asked them to play galah panjang and baling getah. And as usual, they were asking me to play the same games the next day.Another provoke experience to share was during teachers day celebration in 2012. Both teachers and students were requested to compete in galah panjang games at that day. The best part was fe manful need to wear kain batik while the male go forth wear kain pelekat. Everyone was having so much fun. Thus, I came out with the idea in order to preserving the true identity of Malay traditional games towards the students. I hereby conducted a font study research to implement the effects of applying Malay traditional games in the classroom for a group selection of primary school students.The application of these games go aways substantially results into the cognitive skills and the learning styles of students, as well as in belief and learning environment in the classroom. As a result, I make the slip-up that educational games can impact in the developing world. Significance and Limitation of the Study I am not suggesting that these games shou ld replace existing explicit teaching strategies or supplant instructional time. My concerns are to improvise the teaching and learning style in our education by applying a new fun and interesting method while learning.The children are most likely to have peer interactions without teachers input by learning about the culture of childhood from their peers, not their parents or teachers. According to (Casbergue and Kieff), making traditional games available in the classroom could give children the opportunity to develop intellectual and physical skills within a supportive environment. An important void in the existing research literature would also be filled. This fact alone makes this research very significant. In addition, we have to remember that social skills are culturally based.Therefore, it is important for teachers to understand and be sensitive to the culturally based behaviors of students and use a variety of activities to foster acceptance of individual differences. They al so can show students how to play ethnic games and encourage students to play in groups (Church, Gottschalk and Leddy). The study will so shows the importance of preserving the original identity of Malay traditional games from faded out. One of the goals of this both quantitative and qualitative research is to study the process of playing Malay traditional games and number of repetition within a certain period.I know that is important to note that the name and process may vary from one practices to another, as many version of games rules and how-to-play version, which could not be controlled by me. Sometimes, it may create confusedness among players. Brief Review on Malay Traditional Games People may see that traditional game is a simple thing, but actually traditional games are valuable elements of a culture. Their inventions show how creative the humans are, a cabal with high imagination. It is such a precious heritage to be preserved and imply with the history of its creation.Fu rthermore, it is hard to find the true inventors of the games and how it is evolved. I have never thought who are the one created konda-kondi, tuju kasut and dam aji. This kind of heritage is a basis where a human group funds its identity, its projects for the future, its memory, its history, its fears, its desires. When people lose this untouchable, fragile fragment of their culture, then they will lose their reason for living, their past and their future (Civallero). Traditional games are a sort of intangible cultural heritage with its richness of Malay cultural values and ethics.Normally, the original version of traditional games had been manipulated by the oral from one to another. This effects the exaggeration of the true identity of traditional games itself. Traditional Malay games usually require craft skills and manual dexterity and can be traced their origins since the days of Melaka Sultanate. Sepak raga and kite flying are among traditional games that were mentioned in th e Malay Annals being played by nobilities and royalties of the Malay Sultanate (Ooi). I think we should discuss on few numbers of existing Malay traditional games surround us.Firstly is Dam Impit. The aspire of this game is for players to test their expertise and brains to collect as many as opponents dam and getting close to opponent side of the dams table. Playing Dam Impit helps the player to sharpen their thinking skills, capable to develop their patience and discipline among the players (Nasarah and Nasarah). Children can play this game on free time. Adults also make this game as their spare time hobby. Secondly is Cuit Bintik. It is a very fun game to play.In certain places they call this game as Orang Ganjil Kena Cuit. The rules of the game is whoever had been touched by others at certain part of the body need to become the toucher while holding their particular part of body and chasing for the next victim (Nasarah and Nasarah). According to (Nasarah and Nasarah ), Jarum Mas is one type of recreational game, not in a form of competition. Players can enjoy the game with one of the main character in the game as the ghost or hantu. The role of hantu is to look after the treasures in the drawn circle.Player who had been caught by hantu will become the next hantu and the game will be repeated over again. For me, this one is a very interesting game to play. The game represents the culture of move kuih to neighbors that has always been a practice to Malay people since a very long time ago. Traditionally, the kuih was made by the mother or the family members during Ramadhan or frugality month for break fast. In the research by (Nasarah and Nasarah), there is a game called hantar kuih , often play by the boys at night of the fasting month.The game is plays for the whole month, consisting two groups A and B. The group will send the kuih secretly with name taken and wrote in a piece of paper. Whoever had been caught by the opponent will lose. By the end of the month, all players will forgive one another during Hari Raya. This kind of game test the level of childrens speed from chasing by other players and how to avoid themselves from been caught by enemies. (Nasarah & Nasarah) said players who had been touched by the chaser need to sit squat until just one player left.The sitting playing is considered as died, and the only one player left will be the winner. The Malays also have a variant of Mancala board games known as Congkak Lubang Sepuluh or Congkak Lubang Dua Puluh. The game is played by moving stones, marbles, beads or shells around a wooden board consisting of twelve or more holes. At my time, my friends and me often play using marbles. Traditionally, (Nasarah & Nasarah) said the real ambience to play congkak is on the ground with players wearing sarungs.The function of wearing sarungs are much easier for the players to collect marbles to put in Rumah Ibu. Rumah Ibu is the two big holes dig on the ground with optional numbers of Lu bang Rumah Anak. I ever had this kind of experiences during my childhood. The ambience playing under our wooden house was really incredible and amazing. At this time, I dont know that congkak has a varied name too. Historically, mancala or congkak is acknowledged as the oldest game in the world, with variety versions of playing rules depending on the culture of the player.Its origin is traced from Ancient Egypt. As the game dispersed around the globe, every culture has invented its own novelty including the Malays. It is common to assume that digital games are something of a new phenomenon. In fact, historians on digs and discover of antique records all over the world have been able to blow this assumption right out of the water. Many of the forms of traditional games that we see today have been around the centuries, even as earlier since ancient Egypt. Time passes as well as the traditional ways of gaming for the children.As they keep themselves entertained, the generation of vi deo consoles and touch screen are now at the forefront (Boyajian). Nowadays, highly advanced gadgets packed the markets and as time goes by, they are becoming more and more advanced. If once upon a time, the traditional games still can easily be seen played by village boys and girls, in rural or sub urban area. Rarely now, the situation are not the same when the village boys and girls are exposed to technology, to suit with the changes of era. So, where are the traditional games for the Malays?I often asking myself about this, and sometimes I asked my circle of friends, family whereby why it is hard to find one now? Are they also aware of it? Are they realizing the disappearance of our one of the most valuable cultural values too? Just like the evolution of society was imagined as a one-way transformation from tradition to modernity (Eichberg). Yes, we cant deny modernization, but essential the tradition being abandoned? Perhaps, not. Research Methodology and Analysis My real conce rn about the study is actually to investigate the Malay traditional games practices in classroom.The research methodology chosen for this study contain a number of selected gaming activities in classroom, loosely based on the research written by four researchers from different universities under the same disciplines. (1)Matthew Kam (Human-Computer interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, (2) Akhil Mathur and (3) Anuj Kumar both from Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gujarat, India, and (4) John Canny (Computer Science Division and Berkeley Institute of Design, University of California, Berkeley, USA.The deed of the study is Designing Digital Games for Rural Children A Study of Traditional Village Games in India. This is the best article Ive found to assist me in writing this study, as its quite hard to find related scholarly articles or journals about the study. Again, I am not to design a game, but I am investigating the appropr iateness either the implementation of Malay traditional games in classroom is suitable to be applied during teaching and learning or not, in any subjects not specifically in Visual Art Education subject.Conducting the study means that I am decision the best methods and relevant ideas for teachers to apply it in classrooms. Mixed method of quantitative and qualitative case study approach is used for the investigation. The intention of this study is to emblematical the research methodology adopted for the study, which is a case study design. According to Merriam states that case study is often the best methodology when understanding is sought in order to improve practice (as cited in Zeyad ). Case study investigations can explain the reason for a problem, the background of a situation, what happened and why.A case study designed is employed to gain an in-depth understanding of the situation and meaning for those involved. The interest is in discovery rather than confirmation (as cite d in Zeyad ). At the commencement ceremony place, I thought descriptive design is the best and safer way for doing research, but after gone through few steps ahead my research, I found that case study is the best to carry mine. Besides exemplary the case research done by (Kam et. al ), I also had conducted a prior investigation called pilot study as well as the literature survey.The pilot study is pointed to the process of inducting theory using case studies- from specifying the research questions to grasp closure. Besides carried out as a trial study, this pilot study also assisted me in testing the feasibility, reliability and validity of the design. I then selected a number of samples to carry out the pre-test, or in easier words to play the Malay traditional games inside a classroom before the actual investigation is done. I then used the information gathered in pilot studies to refine or improve my research or evaluation cognitive process being piloted before it is used on a larger scale.This internal pilot study was established through a variety of ways (1) I had approached school directly via headmaster or teachers or management itself to seek permission on conducting the small scale research internally, (2)I had work in compact with the students and interested teachers in contributing to the research, and (3)I drew on personal and professional contacts to set up projects with colleagues who are already aware of game-based learning specifically in traditional and digital ways. Clearly, implementing a game in a teaching and learning session is risky.Either the learning objectives can be achieved or it can be left undone. To design a game that combining a traditional game and completely match the understanding of students while playing, good entropy collection methods will be more culturally meaningful to rural students. Although I am not designing the game, but at least I am already have in my mind that traditional games might not be playing in tra ditional ways only, but we can suit with the current modernization. It just how creative the teachers are, to add up some spice in their teaching methods. I conducted an sign focus group consultation for the student during the pilot study.I asked the participants to recall the everyday games that they love to play for us to videotape. I got a tremendous response from the participants saying their favorite everyday games, including both traditional and digital games. From the feedback, I hypothesized that they still know the Malay traditional games is still exist. I then conducted four methods of data collections which are (1) combination of semi-structured and unstructured interviews, (2) participant observation, (3) follow-up questionnaires and (4) collection of documents with the participants.All gathered information will be recorded for transcribing in data analysis. By using the different methods of data collections, a cross check data will assist in interpretation of data gat hered later. Generally for semi-structured and unstructured interview, close-ended and open-ended questions will be asked in order to appropriate the participants to create options for responding on the current research topic. Participants can also voice their experiences and perspectives on the research area without boundary. They are free to talk and voice out their opinion in order to make the session is more fun, interactive and meaningful.The participant observation will allow me to role as the participant observer during the activities being held. But the observational roles can be changed later to suit with the activities conducted. Additional data came from the participants responses to follow-up questionnaires developed specifically to obtain answers to new questions raised after the initial interview data had been analyzed. These follow-up questionnaires were also used to clarify initial answers and verify interview findings. Public and private records will be a good sour ce of text data in assisting the study. Permission was obtained before using the documents.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Analysis of “The Trouble with Fries” Essay

Malcolm Gladwells article The trouble with Fries is about a very trespassing(a) topic. Fast Food is killing us. Can it be fixed? Although his thesis st ingestment isnt exactly clear, he effectively uses evidence to convince his auditory modality that a nutrition movement is needed especially for fast nutrient for thought. By discussing many eventors with supporting evidence that is f actual he shows why fast food is struggling to have a nutrition movement. Malcolm Gladwell uses some very shocking facts about French fries and how unwellnessy they are for the body. He states the average Ameri provoke eats about thirty pounds of French fries a year.In 1990, health concerns arose about using animal-based cooking oil to deep fry them. This caused major fast-food houses to switch to deep frying in vegetable oil. Gladwell then proves this change to be even unhealthier. Switching to vegetable oil means going from virginal fat to trans-fat, this makes the bodys ability to regulate cho lesterol uncontrollable. Vegetable oil becomes a trans-fat because it has to go through hydrogenation to become suitable for deep frying. accord to a study Gladwell uses, for every 5% increase in the amount of saturated fats that a woman consumes, her risk of heart disease increases by 17%.But save a 2% increase in trans-fat will increase her heart disease risk by 93%. This study was intentional by Walter Willett who also states that the consumption of trans-fat in the United States probably causes about 30,000 premature deaths each year. This evidence used by Gladwell is very persuasive in the matter that an actual nutrition movement is needed. Gladwell discusses an alternative healthier way to deep fry French fries which shows great strength in his argument. The very much healthier way of deep-frying French fries is by using Olestra, Malcolm Gladwell discusses.Olestra is a fat substitute that cannot be absorbed by the body. Frito-Lays no-fat Wow chips are made with a version o f Olestra. The FDA wont approved the alternate healthier way of deep-frying French fries by using Olestra because they claim it causes GI distress. Proctor and Gamble, the developers of Olestra, performed a test and found that people eat typical amounts of Olestra-based chips dont have significantly more gastrointestinal problems than people eating normal chips. The FDA is now reviewing this finding. Gladwell used this to point out that its entirelypossible, right now, to make a French fry without many dangerous health concerns. The very strong point of this article is that Malcolm Gladwell not only uses French fries in his argument, but beef as well, to prove that it is not only the FDA holding back a nutrition movement. Gladwell uses evidence found by Auburn University. The Auburn Team created what they called the AU Lean beef. This was a beef cake that was ? water, 20% protein, 5% fat and, ? seaweed. They did a blind taste test comparison of AU Lean burgers and traditional McDo nalds burgers. The AU Lean burgers won overall.AU Lean also won in a test of 100 families trying AU Lean, market beef, and 5% fat beef. What this showed was that people can be fooled into thinking theyre eating a lot of fat when they really arent. Shortly after, McDonalds came out with the McLean Deluxe, using AU Lean beef. It was sell as the healthy choice, therefore people were informed it was healthy and it went off the market. This was great evidence Gladwell used that proved Americans think healthier food wont taste as well. There was also evidence that children also think the same way as the McDonalds example of healthier food wont taste as good.Gladwell discusses an experiment by Leann Birch on childrens aspects of food based on restriction. The experiment consisted of a galactic group of children feeding them a big lunch then letting them loose in a room with lots of junk food. Her findings were some children ate none of the junk food while others really chowed down. This s howed that the ones who chowed down are restricted from high-fat, high-sugar food so they think in terms of presence and absence of food rather than their hunger. Because they had been told junk food was bad for them, they thought that it had to taste good.This example really set the light for Gladwells argument. Its not the fact that the food is unhealthy but because of it. Malcolm Gladwell effectively convinced his audience that a nutrition movement is needed. He proves that not only the FDA is holding back an actual nutrition movement but the consumers as well. He supports this by the studies of evidence he provided stating there are healthier ways to fast food. Works Cited Gladwell, Malcolm. The Trouble with Fries. The New Yorker 5 Mar. 2001. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Cognitive-Behavioral Case Study of London: A Conceptualization and Treatment Plan

In this conceptualization and treatment plan, the clients presenting problems allow be discussed in detail including symptoms and diagnosis. All disclosed problem areas for the client are described including, depression and anxiety. Cognitive behavioral theory is explained including the theorys core concepts and key elements. Cognitive behavioral theory is utilise as the theory of choice throughout the treatment plan and conceptualization. The goals and interventions utilized are outlined also utilizing cognitive behavioral theory techniques.The goals for this client and treatment plan include In conclusion the expected outcome of each intervention utilized is disclosed and all other challenges of the entire process are given. Presenting Concerns capital of the United Kingdom presents as a 24-year old biracial woman of African-American and Caucasian decent. capital of the United Kingdom came into counseling due to ongoing depression and poor peer relations caused by her anxiety an d mistrust issues. capital of the United Kingdom is a single mother latterly discharged from the military with minimal support systems in place.She is currently working in a job she dislikes and feels trapped in her present disembodied spirit as it is. Her childs father is incarcerated and she has been hiding this information from her family out of fear of judgment. capital of the United Kingdom has four siblings three of which are younger than she. London and her siblings were raised(a) by their paternal grandmother due to her names drug abuse issues. Londons grandmother often displayed signs of depression during her childhood although it went undiagnosed without treatment.London described some symptoms of post-partum depression after the birth of her son, which went untreated. London does not have good relationships with her siblings nor does she have any solid peer relationships she feels she needs. London was raised as a Christian, but feels disconnected from God and guilty over her choices to have a child out of wedlock. London is now feeling increase anxiety about telling her family about her issues with her sons father and what his return will do to their already strained relationship. Case Conceptualization utter to London revealed many issues with forming and maintain healthy relationships. Londons lack of substantial relational exchanges with her parents seems to have caused much anxiety now that she herself is a parent (she reports being anxious around her child). Both Londons mother and father were not present during the ties she was trying to build a solid find of self-awareness. London reports constantly being indecisive about things, as she was unsure of her likes and dislikes. London may have developed a poor sense of self, as she felt rejected by both parents.That rejection has now resurfaced in the relationship with Zions father, Xavier. Like her parents, Xavier left London during a pivotal time in her life. London may now believe she wi ll become withdrawn and distant towards her own child the way her mother and father had done to her. Londons disconnect from herself and reality continued throughout adulthood when her grandmother did not pay as much attention to her as she wouldve liked. London has allowed feelings of incompetence and inadequacy hinder her progress at work, school, and in her peer relationships.London developed a habit of distancing herself from others in an attempt to avoid developing relationships. This outmatch included her siblings as she indicated she does not call them, visit them, or take any of their calls. London is also dishonest about what is going in her life with her family. Londons distorted view on her relationships has fueled her desire to maintain unhealthy relationships with men including her childrens father and other male figures. London reports being afraid to break off the relationship as she does not feel she can find someone else. Goals and Interventions

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Globalisation in Terms of Social and Economic Trends

Globalisation is not a single phenomenon. It has become a catch-all concept to line a range of trends and forces changing the social and economic structures of the instauration. Globalisation may be specify as becoming or making creative activity-wide, but it has overly been referred to as Westernisation. Globalisation as argued by Professor Ruud Lubbers, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, is considered to have a number of distinct elements to it, which include Economic, Technological, Political, Cultural and Environmental.Economically, great world integration or worldwideisation has been greatly encouraged since the Second World War, with the introduction of free trade agreements such as GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). Additionally, regional trade agreements have also been developed, which have included single markets established by the European Community and NAFTA (North American unacquainted(p) Trade Agreement).Technologically, the IT revolution has p rovided a massive improvements in our ability to store and manipulate data using ever more powerful computers. More important however, is the communication abilities of these computers. The Communications Revolution has resulted in the shrinking of the world.Politically, it was not until the collapse of the former Soviet Block in the late 1980s and the general toleration of the free market (deregulation) and democracy, coupled with the emergence of the Tiger economies of the Pacific Rim, that the term globalization has taken on true significance.Culturally, there has been a spreading of Westernisation, or perhaps more accurately Americanisation through the media of films, television and music. Following the Second World War, the USA fearing the rise of communism, travelively encouraged and subsidised the world-wide distribution of films efficaciously advertising (if lonesome(prenominal) subliminally) the benefits of capitalism and the American Dream. As a consequence to the di lution of cultures, France for example has since introduced legislation requiring radio stations to play a minimum of 40% of music originating from or sung in French.Environmental problems atomic number 18 increasingly becoming global problems. Therefore, countries are no longer able to look at environmental issues in isolation. This has been dramatically illustrated for example by the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, the depletion of the ozone layer and acid rain over Scandinavia. Countries now need to act collectively (as per the Rio Conference) for there to be any chance of reversing or just slowing the damage being caused to the environment.Globalisation of the economy has not been based rigorously on free trade but also on the free movement of capital. This has promoted direct foreign investments from one acres into another (e.g. massive Japanese investment into the EU, especially the UK) which has had a strong influence on the globalisation of the topic economies.As an econom ic phenomenon, globalisation has resulted in a shift away(p) from a world of distinct national economies to a global economy in which production is distributed world(prenominal)ly and finance is able to flow freely and directly between countries. Multinational businesses have vast economic powers, whilst institutional investors and financial gurus such as George Soros are capable of influencing the currency pass judgment, economic policies, and interest rates of individual nation states (e.g. September 1992, the UK was forced to leave the European Exchange Rate Mechanism). The framework of rules within which economic activity takes place is increasingly defined within the international framework of organisations such as the WTO (World Trade Organisation), the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the World Bank, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) and G7-8 summits, together with the regional trading blocks such as the European Union and NAFTA.Globalisa tion is arguably both a cause and a consequence of the information revolution. It is driven by dramatic improvements in tele communication theory, exponential increases in computing power coupled with lower costs, and the development of electronic communications and information nedeucerks such as the Internet. These communications technologies are helping to overcome the barriers of tangible distance.Communities of various types, including NGOs (Non-Government Organisations) which include international interest groups like Amnesty International or Greenpeace, as well as business and labour organisations, now subroutine across national borders. Greenpeace is a prime example the Shell Brent Spar case illustrated the ability of such internationally organised interest groups to successfully exert commercial and political pressure in multiple countries simultaneously. In turn, social policies affecting individual citizens are becoming more sensitive to international influences, especia lly when highlighted by the global news media.While globalisation is transferring numerous decisions to the international arena, political and constitutional reforms in many countries involve attempts to de of importise decision-making from central government to more regionally autonomous authorities to cater for a sense of local identity (e.g. new Labour polices on devolution for Scotland and Wales). These trends step to the fore contradictory, but in practice they are causing the development of new multi-level policy systems. Consequently, borders are becoming increasingly difficult for governments to define and maintain. Therefore, national governments are being forced to redefine their roles, responsibilities and policy relationships. In the same way, multinational companies will find that they will not only have to deal with global trends but also the local laws and customs of their intended markets and manufacturing centres.Globalisation has raised fears that the sovereignt y of nation states is being undermined. If sovereignty can be defined as the ability to exercise control without outside interference, then nation states are clearly experiencing diminishing sovereignty. Governments must recognise and work on the assumption that around issues they are required to deal with are affected by or will affect to some extent the international competitiveness of the country.Governments own responses to globalisation or the search for joint solutions to global problems have further effects upon sovereignty. Participation in international organisations or the adoption of international agreements puts limits on policy options available to governments. This may even require modifications to long-standing domestic policies and practices.Interdependence is narrowing the degree of domestic policy independence. Unilateral action may not be the most effective way to achieve policy goals. For example, the exploitation of resources such as fisheries would inevitably result in the severe depletion, if not destruction, of common stocks (European leafy vegetable Fisheries Policy) . Many other important policy goals cannot be met by governments acting alone. In combating environmental problems and international crime etc, the interests of individual nations, therefore, may only be protected by collective action.The competition for international investment encouraged by the activities and mobility of multinational enterprises means that most traditional domestic policies such as education and training, taxation, social protection, economic regulation and labour legislation have become international. Even a nations domestic management policy is a issuing of great concern to its trading rivals, because this will ultimately affect a countrys efficiency and consequently its competitiveness. Government policies must increasingly be made more consistent with or competitive against those of their main trading rivals. This was highlighted by Britains deci sion to opt out of the Social Chapter of the Maastricht Treaty.Monetary and fiscal policy decisions can no longer be taken on the basis of exclusively domestic considerations. Currently more than 10 times the measuring stick of finance needed to support the current volume of world trade, is traded daily on the world currency markets. This means that 90 per cent of that activity could be seen as pure currency speculation. This is far in excess of what central banks can hope to influence through their own interventions, especially in the absence seizure of any joint action. In recent years, the Labour Party in the UK, after four successive election defeats has gradually moved its economic policy broadly in line with that of the current Government. This may be seen as an attempt to gain credibility with the UK electorate but perhaps most importantly, to gain credibility with the International Money Markets which will have the opportunity of voting with their fundsThe improvement of c ommunications this century from sailing ship to satellite has contributed directly to the globalisation of the worlds economies and political systems. Technological globalisation of Information Technology has moved across cultural and physical barriers, effectively eliminating the capacity of countries (however draconian) to isolate themselves from the world outside. Despite this, Iran has recently banned the use of satellite television, but control will be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve because the information revolution which has also provided e-mail and the Internet has democratised information. It may seem nonsensical for the need to obtain a visa to physically visit someone to whom you are able to talk to electronically on a daily basis. The result is that free speech and civil liberties are becoming increasingly international.Borders will no longer act as boundaries, especially with respect to information (IT has effectively eliminated the capacity of countries to ke ep out foreign influences, good or bad) and the flow of finance and crime. Therefore, numerous problems can only be tackled in collaboration with other countries.Ultimately, the goal of globalisation is to achieve a world economy reaping the benefits of additional trade and, consequently, mutual dependency (no two countries with a MacDonalds franchise have ever gone to war with each other), therefore creating more jobs and prosperity for the naval divisionicipating countries. However, some such as Martin Khor, an economist and director of the NGO Third World Network, believe that free trade within a global market will polarise the poorer countries from the richer nations alleviate further. According to some estimates, the industrialised countries, which make up 20% of the GATT membership, will gain 70% of the additional income arising from the implementation of the Uruguay Round of GATT.The globalisation of trade finance and information is perhaps the tip of the globalisation iceb erg. The challenge to governments may be made more acute by a host of other internationalizations under-way, which include areas such as crime and population movement (economic refugees).Even if it is considered by some to be less than desirable, the increasing globalisation of the world seems unavoidable. In the long term, little may be gained by nation states resisting the impacts of globalisation, which may ultimately prove to be ineffective and counter-productive.To conclude, the ever-improving technology and consequently communications available to businesses, have enabled the creation of a global economy of production and finance, enabling industry to make use of territorial divisions, playing one country or trade-block off against another to maximise subsidies, savings in taxes, avoidance of anti-pollution regulations and guarantees of political stability and favour.With this, a new political structure is emerging with national sovereignty being an ever-looser concept (illust rated by the gradual and continuing integration of individual nation states into the European Union), which is contributing to the emergence of a phenomenon described by Robert Cox as macro-regionalism. He considers there to be three macro-regions in the making Europe based on the European Union an Eastern Asian sphere centred around Japan and a North American sphere centred around the USA and looking to embrace Latin America. Perhaps the emergence of these macro-regions is part of a natural evolution towards a truly global state?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

History of Personal Computers

History of the Personal Computer Introduction The history of the in the flesh(predicate) estimator is vast and complex. As computers continue to develop, apiece development brings greater opportunities and challenges to the world of computing. - Learn how it all started and where it has direct to in todays world. Quiz 1. The outset accurate mechanical calculator was invented in 1642 by __________. a. Charles Babbage b. Blaise Pascal c. Joseph Marie Jacquard d. Herman Hollerith 2. In 1993, the invention of which browser allowed Internet users to view multimedia files? e. Netscape Navigator . Internet venturer g. Opera h. Mosaic 3. In 1975, Popular Electronics magazine advertised the __________ as the first computer easy for personal use. i. Altair j. Apple Lisa k. IBM l. ENIAC 4. The principal features of the graphical user interface were developed by __________. m. Apple n. Microsoft o. sacred lotus p. Xerox 5. The __________, which can alter its electric state between on and off, is the basic building kibosh for computer circuitry. q. Processor r. Circuit s. Transistor t. Microprocessor 6. Released in 1979, the first word processing application for personal computers was __________. . Word v. WordAssistant w. WordPerfect x. WordStar 7. Built in 1939, the __________ computer was the first to use vacuum tubes instead of mechanical switches to warehousing binary data. y. ENIAC z. Altair . Atanasoff-Berry . IBM 8. Which computer was the first to use magnetic storage tape instead of punched cards? . UNIVAC . ENIAC . Altair . adenosine deaminase 9. The __________ is considered to be the first successful high-speed electronic digital computer. . Hollerith tabulating machine . Jacquard loom . ENIAC . Pascaline calculator 10. Who is considered the first computer programmer? Charles Babbage . Herman Hollerith . Grace Hopper . Ada Lovelace Projects Interviews project Interview people of varying ages to reckon out how computers were used when they were in their childhood. Assignment Interview four people of varying age ranges to occur out how computers were used when they were in their childhood. Write a summary of how computers were used during their childhood. History of the Computer Task View the history of the computer. Assignment Visit www. pbs. org/nerds/timeline and view the history of the computer.Write a short description of the events during each of the follo set aheadg phases. 1. Prehistory 2. Electronics 3. Mini 4. Micro 5. Network The 1952 Presidential Election Task We trust our lives to computers. They manage planes in flight, calculate our payrolls, and monitor vital hospital equipment. It was not always this way, though. Lets seem at a computers role in promiseing the 1952 presidential election. Assignment Visit www. wired. com/ skill/discoveries/news/2008/11/dayintech_1104 to see what trust was placed in an early computer. 1. What computer was used to predict the 1952 election? 2.Which network used the computer during a live broadcast of the election results? 3. Although the broadcast was from modernistic York City, where was the computer located? 4. Who was predicted by preelection polls to be the winner? 5. Who did the computer predict the winner to be? 6. What were the numbers of electoral votes predicted to be? 7. What were the odds that this candidate would have even the minimum 266 electoral votes to win? 8. How did the news department respond to this information? 9. What were the final electoral vote counts, and what was the percentage of error from the initial prediction?

Monday, May 20, 2019

Cloning human Beings is not ethical Essay

here demon abruptly interpolates the atmosphere and creates one of sadness and regret, and so he uses his mutual technique to change the atmosphere in reflection to tikes olfactionings, and he does this here to link the honorable pass with emotive feelings the contri simplyor is experiencing, to tiller it much mesomorphic. Here he is aiming to imply that you will regret not giving property and love to the more unfortunate than you, even if you dont feel that way at the time. move on on in this chapter, deuce creates respectable atmospheres to develop his moral message further. He most notably does this when Scrooge enters his joyful old boss (Fezziwig) wargonhouse where he was apprenticed. Whilst devil is describing the Christmas event as intelligent and ecstatic, this develops a powerful atmosphere by numerous significant ways. For example, whilst the event is happening, he repeats everywhere and over again In came in came in camein came, to describe the entry of t he guests at Fezziwigs event, and Dickens uses this to develop an atmosphere and a theme of joyfulness and togetherness, and that consequently shows, due to Dickens recurring technique, that the think effect on the reader is to strike him/her feel happy. This suggests that nearly everyone was keen to be celebrating Christmas together by all appearing one by one at this event. He is intending the reader therefore to feel part of the happy occasion, and this is emphasized by the fact that lots of people are coming, which essentially suggests that everyone is welcome.This conveys profusely with the spirit and meaning of Christmas that Dickens is attempting to put forward in his moral message, through with(predicate) the use of this atmosphere. He is expressing that Christmas time is a time for sharing and spending time with your family and friends, which is reflected in Scrooges youth, but contrasts with Scrooges life at present. Therefore, this makes Scrooge, due to the Ghost of C hristmas Past, think more active how he is acting at the present, where he is anti-social and refuses to acknowledge that he has to be sharing and caring during Christmas time.As well as successfully creating, building, and developing atmospheres to develop a moral message in chapter two, Dickens uses irresolution in chapter 4 to try and make the effect of the moral message more powerful to the reader by using a gruesomeer theme. Dickens creates a spookier and sinister atmosphere straight past at the start of chapter four, and he does this so the reader can then appreciate the suspense. Dickens does this because he intends the reader to get gripped into the darker theme and storyline, and as tell above, this makes the moral message more influential to the reader.For instance, he does this at the start of chapter four, when Dickens describes the entrance of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come as he writes The darkness slowly, gravely, silently approached. The very air through wh ich this Spirit moved seemed to scatter gloom and mystery. This creates sudden suspense and it also creates a dark theme to lay the embedations for this chapter. Then, Dickens creates more suspense by not making the ghost/phantom talk.By doing this, Dickens is deliberately developing suspense by exit the reader in the unknown, and is equally implying by this that everyone is going to die at some point, due to the dark theme and the places this ghost takes Scrooge to. In addition, making the ghost just use its hands to overhaul the way for Scrooge makes him as a result become more timorous and this adds to the suspense and atmosphere. Dickens uses even more clever techniques to draw the readers attention and make them even more conscious of the moral message.He writes Its likely to be a very cheap funeral, said the same speaker for upon my life I dont know of anybody to go to it. Suppose we make up a party and volunteer. I dont mind going if a dejeuner is provided, observed th e gentleman with the excrescence on his nose. But I must be fed, if I make one. The mans attitude here is that he does not take Scrooges final stage seriously and is using it as an opportunity to make a joke out of. Dickens uses powerful dramatic irony as the reader knows that those people were talking about(predicate) Scrooge, however, Scrooge is not aware of this until later.Dickens does this appropriately in the light of the darker theme, because he intends to again powerfully convey his moral message to the reader, and because he portrays those people to be talking carelessly about Scrooge, and approaching his death with a sizable amount of blasi , he hopes to indirectly tell the reader that if you spend your life keeping all your riches to yourself and not being generous and kind-hearted, nobody will care about you and show respect for you when you are dead. Scrooge is used as an example to what the fate is of those who do not follow Dickens moral message.Another example of suspense and atmosphere revealing this moral message is when old Joe and Mrs Dilber are envision having stolen a bundle of Scrooges possessions and are looking through them. Dickens builds on the supernatural atmosphere and theme he has created in chapter four, and writes about more people talking indifferently about Scrooges death If he wanted to keep them after he was dead, a sinful old screw, pursued the woman, why wasnt he natural in his lifetime. If he had been, hed have had somebody to look after him when he was struck with Death, instead of lying gasping out his work there, alone by himself. This later extract ceases to be dramatic irony once Scrooge has found out that these people had been talking about his death, and therefore it plays an important part in the development of Scrooges characterisation, because after having seen the consequences of his unkind and selfish behaviour with all three ghosts, his reactions to this dialogue suggest that he wants to change his character, and this is confirmed soon after when he wakes up in chapter five, and greets everyone a Merry Christmas in the street..In conclusion, it would be fair and accurate to say that this novel was written solely for the purpose of acquiring the people of Victorian Britain to change their attitudes towards the deserving and the undeserving poor, through the use of haunting and ghosts. It was intend to deliver its moral message through the use of atmosphere and suspense, and to convey this message through varying themes.On the whole I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel, especially chapter two whilst looking through Scrooges past, as it reveals a lot of what his true inner personality is, regardless of what his despiteful character is described as in chapter one. I also like this novel as it has a fitting end regarding the moral message, which is, in this case, we all have the possibility to change our personality for the good.My impression is that Dickens without a do ubt achieves all his intentions with the successful use of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come being the nominate in Scrooges characterisation and Dickens utter proficiency in the art of the side language enables us to depict his novel as a fine one. And, as for Scrooges journey, it is a lesson to be learnt from by all of us, in any era.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Home Or Theatre? Essay

E very(prenominal)body likes to watch flicks no matter what kind of photograph we like. Movies entertain us during our escaped time such(prenominal) as, in the weekends and holydays, in brief celluloids ar a pastime for all people, entirely the question is what is better honoring it at stead or at the family? Transparently, there are some advantages and disadvantages of both. People put these advantages into consideration like the comfort, privacy, and coast. These factors effects the watcher decision of watching it at home or at the house.First, comfort is the first factor I would think of when I emergency to decide whether watching the video at home or at the theater. In contrast, at the theater the way you want to sit is non an option since the lay are adjusted into a sure position in addition, there is a limited room for you to sit at the theater seats which is unconfutable. But at home it is a whole different situation. While you are watching a movie at home, you decide whether you want to sit on a chair, lying d declare on the sofa, or even sit on the floor, so you chose the way you are comfortable with. Another social function when it comes to the fact of being comfortable is that you abide wear whatever you want at home.Unlike theaters, at home you can wear your cozy, warm pajamas and watch. while at the theaters or in public you but wear casual clothes to avoid the odd looks people gives you when your something unusual pass to the theater. Moreover, at home you can use your phone or talk to your friend in a loud share without annoying or bothering others, but when doing that in theaters consequently, you might get kicked out simply because its not allowed.Second, another benefit of watching movies at home is that you can enjoy the privacy. For instance, you can chose your consultation such as, your friends you love and the ones you have so some(prenominal) fun with even if the movie is not interesting it wint feel like this when you are with the your loved ones. Unlike home, you cant choose your audience at the theater, so you might meet with a friend that annoys you all the time as a result, you go away not have the fun in the theater as much as in home. In addition to the idea of privacy, you can enjoy whatever food you want to eat curiously smelly foodslike fast food. In movie theaters you can only eat snacks like popcorn and chips because you may bother others with smell of fast food at the movie theater.Nevertheless, if you choose to watch a movie at home you pull up stakes have a wide variety of movies to choose what movie you would like to watch and enjoy the most but for example, in theaters sometimes they only have 2 or 3 kinds of movies and you might not like them, so you end up not watching whatsoeverone. Controlling the movie setting is another feature that you cant find at the movie theaters. In fact, at home you can adjust the volume to as much high as you like plus you have the option to pause the movie to stretch or going to the slew without missing any part of the movie.Third, when watching a movie at the theater its going to cost you more in comparison with watching it at home. In fact, when purchasing a movie ticket at the theater plus snacks you will end up paying $25. However, renting a movie online to watch it at home is going to cost you maximum of $5. In addition, snacks are very cheap outside the theater. For example in theaters when you order a drink and a popcorn you will pay about $7, while outside you can buy 1 pound of popcorn kernels and any big size drink for only $8.Finally, there are a lot of advantages of watching movies at home but at the same time they are some advantages in the movie theater that you cant find at home. The first advantage is that will have chance of inclination to the movie in a loud high quality advanced sound system. When the sound is too loud you can feel a shake with an explosion that will sound like youre actually in the middle of the movie. The second feature is that you will have the opportunity of watching the movie in 3D. In the 3D option you can see the characters in 3 diminutions, so it will be more entreating and realistic. Third, the screens in the theater are very wide and thats why obviously they call them movie theaters. Because of the wide screen you can have a bigger picture, so you can gain a better perspective of the surroundings.In conclusion, both theaters and homes have advantages and disadvantages in addition, they are much different than each other and have different surroundings. However, in my opinion and based on my own experience I wouldwatch a movie at home because it is more comfort, private, and much cheaper. In brief, the watcher have the privilege and the freedom to make his own environment at home.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club Essay

Analysis of the Kansas metropolis Zephyrs Baseball Club for 1983 and 1984.In reviewing the Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, and hearing arguments from both the owners and player there have been some interesting findings. We see that both parties be motivated towards getting more actual exchange flow for their respective sides. Using antithetical accounting techniques resulted in two very different financial statements for the Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club. Although, both teams face to agree on most of the financial statements there seem to be triple specific beas that ar causing dispute. The three causes of disputes are roster depreciation, overstated player salary expense, and related party transactions. peal DepreciationAccording to the owners the 50% of the 12 million dollar purchase price is being depreciated as roster depreciation. The reasoning behind the 50% rate of depreciation is that it is the maximum rate allowed by the IRS. This all the way shows that the ow ners are trying to cover as much profit with bulge actual cash outflow finished the depreciation expense.According to the players there is an appreciation rather than depreciation as the players actually improve their skills as they increase in experience. Considering the facts it does non add value to depreciate teams that generally appreciate and therefore should non be included in the financials.Overstated Player Salary ExpenseThere are three points of disagreement on player salary expenses sign up bonuses, deferred compensation, and non-roster player salaries should be expensed in the socio-economic class that it is paid.Sign-up Bonuses The players feel that the sign-up bonuses should be amortized over the contract of the players. This seems inconsistent with their prior argument to have the financials match cash flow as much as possible with an argument against depreciation. It doesnt make sense toamortize part of a salary as an asset. Since the sign-up bonus is a cost inc urred by the owners in sensation payment it should be expensed in the year in which it was incurred.Deferred Compensation Most players receive only 80% of their contracted amount with the remaining 20% deferred for 10 years. The argument of the players is that the salaries which arent incurred for 10 years are expenses a decade before they are due. It was also brought up that some companies put aside this capital and others do not. Considering the fact that the remaining 20% is used as a pension for players who would no longer be on the roster an adjustment is due. The deferred salaries expense should be engrossn out of current expenses and put on the eternal sleep sheet as a liability if there is no separate fund. If there is a separate fund this can be put on the balance sheet as a other asset till they are expensed in the year they perplex a current pay adapted.Non-Roster Player Salaries Since the players that are released have the possibility of getting signed-on with anoth er team who would take over the contract there does not seem to expense the full amount in unitary period. Similar to the deferred salaries the cost of contracts released should be expensed as each years liability comes due and not before.Considering the fact that Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club is expensing everything ahead of time it is important to note that they will not have these costs to offset profit from future years. The only Way to keep these expenses would to be to conduct high player turnover on the teams which is not beneficial in an operational standpoint. However, since net operating(a) losings are allowed to be carried forward 20 years by the IRS, Zephyrs managers may be able to extend the theme of no profit through off-setting future profit with prior year losses with their accounting methods in 1983 and 1984.Related Party Transactions The players argue that since two of Zephyrs owners are also sole owners of the stadium which is charging 80% more that other st adiums as well as standardized activities with broadcast companies that own teams. However, they are comparing different contracts and an even widerspectrum of contracts with broadcast companies. It is difficult to gauge the contain on assumptions and the PBPA itself admits that it is something hard to do. As a result it seems more based on sagaciousness than hard fact. There would be no way to arbitrate stadium and broadcast charges based on unique situations and contracts. The stadium costs would stay the same.If the above recommended changes are implemented income before taxes will develop to $1,668,300 (Operating Income after other expenses). Therefore we see that Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club is profitable.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Employee Empowerment Essay

1.0 IntroductionEmployee Empowerment is non something that you simply declare you will part and expect that the program will be successful. It requires good counsel programs for it to succeed. This piece purports to show how group building as a management program give the bounce be used to make employee authority a success.Employee authorization should be understood to mean a maculation where ein truth bingle can take action to enhance his/her motion, either in personal or brassal terms, and non just delegation of job authorities to job holders. The essence of employee empowerment is to fall in leadership skills (Lashley , 2000).2.0 display case studyUsing an organizational culture framework, this case study examines the captious preconditions necessary for employee empowerment and highlights how the sixfold cultures within one public bureaucracy differently impacted their implementation. Serve, a large human servicing organization, initiated an employee empowerment p rogram that contradicted and thus collided with many elements of its overall organizational culture. Despite the best intentions of the organizational leaders, speed management reserve, and opportunities for participatory decisiveness reservation, the organization could not foster the little preconditions needed for employee empowerment. Leaders had problem expanding the employees power and promoting member inclusion.Concurrently, most employees rejected these new opportunities for control and distrusted the leaders intentions. Yet, despite the widespread rejection of these empowerment initiatives, most employees described their work lives as empowering the piece discusses how a localized empowerment endeavour may be a more appropriate and feasible focus for public bureaucracies straining to initiate greater staff empowerment. Particular attention is paid to the interaction between individuals and their environments, and how this interaction affects the empowerment offset i n light to the whole aggroup building exercise.2.1 Management Program that could be used in addressing the problemTo avoid such instances like the one mentioned above, police squad building as strategy can be used.Team building refers to improving group performance by developing team functional skills by using any appropriate method. Effective team building and employee motivation fit together. prospered organizations are not involved in team building as an end to itself solely kinda because with utile team building employee motivation increases and organizational results are achieved. (Cherney, 2002).3.0 Review of the researchWith Adams Associates, enjoyment change magnitude team building effectiveness. Team building is a tool for employee motivation. All teams go through very predictable phases. Knowing and taking into custody these phases gives leadership the confidence to continue in the team building so far when during one of the phases, the employee motivation appea rs to be declining.A prime example of utilizing and effectively using the method of team work is through a workshop duly created for the propose of enhancing skills of the employee, creating a spirit of team building, showing how to address conflict management, teaching problems solving skills and enhancing quality management techniques with team work, there is better understanding of the different leadership styles as well as inclination of and empowerment of employees (.Modern Management, 2003).Communication as well as, as one of the most vital and all important(predicate) methods of any relationship has been observed to lead to a truly glutinous and effective means of accomplishing goals of the organization. One of the prime examples practiced by a number of organizations includes a morning time chat before commencing actual work. This morning exchange of ideas not just now gives impetus to the overall objectives of the organization, they also provide a sense of motivation and empowerment for the numerous tasks and activities that will face the employees during the course of the capacious workings day ahead of them.Though this morning exchange of ideas and sharing of information may not take long, the little time together provides a sense of responsibility amongst team members and leads the team to contain out new ideas that may assist other team members in their course of their days normal routine work. It also allows employees to reinforce ground rules that have already been established by the organization, as well as lead to a truly satisfying and enjoyable working environment.Another important way of enhancing employee empowerment via team building is through enhancing leadership skills among employees. Good leadership qualities are same to good parenting. The object is thus to create an environment where employees not only enjoy to utilize their accept strengths, but as members of a team also ensure that they become effective and contributi ng members of the single organizations.In case of any changes, the workers must be involved or else they will fight bring forward (Chien, 2004). In an authorize organization slew should not expect to be told what to do but they should do it what to do. There is therefore need to support and stimulate the people co-operate to overcome functional barriers and work to deplete fear within their team (Hand 199425).Research findings concerning self-managed teams have been largely positive. Proponents claim that self-managed work teams are effective because they empower employees to make decisions that affect their lives. Thus these teams radically change the way that employees value and think closely jobs. Other benefits associated with self managed teams include greater flexibility to respond to market changes and competitive pressures.3.1 Companies that have experienced various degrees of successLet us now see wherefore some companies seem so successful while others do not. Micr osofts success can be attributed tot heir work place environment, empowerment of employee ideas and their employee benefits. A motivated work force, coupled with a well built team causes a team of motivated people to work towards accomplishing their goals. In order to achieve its goals, Microsoft hires not only graduates who the conjunction believes will contribute by bringing in fresh innovation and ideas for the upcoming generation. subsequently hiring these employees, the company ensures that these employees are always focussed and are giving their full potential in sales pitch of services.Eastman Kodak, a company concerned with developing, manufacturing, marketing imaging products and service for con warmheartednessers has adapted a Kodak and tilt cross-dock projects to eff that the company is successful. Lean cross-docks create an environment of empowerment by enabling any cross-dock employee to top and seek help to fix problems. Employees training encourage empowerment b y providing the rationale for why processes are performed in a specified expression. This not only enhances their employees understanding of operations but also facilitates operative improvements.It also practices respect for workers starting with worker safety. Employee safety is particularly critical at cross-dock because of the fast-faced, high glitz material flow. Respect for workers is also communicated by seriously considering employee suggestions for improvement and reviewing them in a timely manner (Child et al, 1994).In pursuing the opportunity, Kodak used the expertise of Tran freight a lean-dock specialist. The team then developed projects objectives base on thorough discussions with Kodak managers. The objectives included creation of employee-empowered, team oriented in problem solving among others and team building was also at the core of these objectives. This success enabled Kodak to expand the number of plants and supplies involved in the lean cross-dock operatio n.With the above two examples, it is evident that team building is crucial for employee empowerment to be a success. For team building to thrive, the executive leadership needs to clearly communicate its expectations for the team performance and expected outcome. The team members should understand why the team was created. The organization on its part needs to demonstrate consistency of purpose in supporting the team with required resources.The members also ought to understand the context. That is why they are participating on the team. They should understand how the strategy of using teams will help the organization attain its communicated business goals. Over and above all, the members should define their teams importance to the accomplishment of corporate goals and understand where its work fits in the score context of the organization goals, principles and visions.For good team building, the members need to have the desire to participate in the team. The belief that team missi on is important should be entrenched in each and every one of them. They should observe that service as valuable to the organization and to their own career, anticipate recognition for their contributions and expect their skills to grow and develop on the team.The management also needs to enhance clarity about the priority of the tasks of the team members. The organization is required to provide business information regularly. The team members also need to communicate clearly and candidly with each other and bring diverse opinions to the table as ways of addressing necessary arising conflicts. If these suggestions are not adhered to employee empowerment in an organization is doomed to fail. These are however not the only reason why employee empowerment fails. Other reasons are explained herein.Firstly, there is lack of a clear definition of empowerment by managers. Managers need to clarify such issues as what decisions can be made in their absence by the employees, without their p ermission or oversight.Secondly, the top management sometimes defines the decision making authority and boundaries with staff but then micromanage the work of employees. This is majorly because the managers do not trust the staff to make good decisions. If the staff members crawl in this, they will craftily make decisions on their own and hide the results or come to the manager for everything because they do not know what they accreditedly can control (Bateman & Snell, 1999).Sometimes, managers abdicate all responsibility and accountability for decision making when reporting staff for instance is blamed or punished for failures, mistake and less optimal results, they flee from empowerment. This failure to publicly support decisions and stand behind the employees makes them feel deserted. As a companys resource therefore, employees need to be organized forcefully enough to achieve the objectives. A critical feature of successful teams is that they are invested with a significant d egree of empowerment or decision making authority.Equally important, employee empowerment changes the managers mindset and leaves them with more time to engage in resistant based thinking, visioning and nurturing. This intelligent and production division of duties between visionary leaders, focusing on emerging opportunities and empowered employees, running the business until day to day provides for a well managed enterprise with strong growth potential.To sum it all up, there are a few things that need to be done for successful employee empowerment as relates to team building. The top management needs to realize that its behaviour must change too. They should not expect employees to confidently begin solving problems and making improvements unless they see that the executive group will support it and do it themselves. Infact, employees will not even bother trying unless they see evidence that top people mean it (Zoglio, 1997).A clear goal needs to be set since groups of employees with no experience working together on business issues will not know where to start. Focus should be on the real work effort. Remember, empowerment works best when employees have an important compelling business-related goal such as saving the company from bankruptcy, being the low cost, high quality leader in their field.4.0 ConclusionFor employee empowerment to be a success therefore in any organization, team building is a critical component. This is because it will ensure commitment which is the foundation for synergy in groups, contribution, effective communication, and co-operation and will also deal effectively with conflict management.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Strategic Management Case Study Write up Schon Klinik-Eating Disorder Assignment

Strategic Management Case Study make unnecessary up Schon Klinik-Eating Disorder - Assignment ExampleDuring the last 11 years, it was able to add 8 to a greater extent hospitals from 7 and its annual revenue rapidly tripled. The level of occupancy rates has been maintained by the substance of expertise in particular conditions and brand recognition in Schon Hospital. The Schn Klinik patients in 2012, about 20% had private health insurance where the typical German hospital had only 10%.(Porter, Stanton & Howman, 2013).The introduction of a culture by Fechners slogan Measurable Tangible Better has become an ideal survey for Schn Klinik.As a result of poor established therapy in eating disorders, Schn Klinks formalize a systematic approaches on treatment and improvements in patient support. The hospital has been able to implement on outcome measurement where every clinician is postulate to measure results. The patient-reported experience measures implemented, where all patients adm itted to Schn Klinik are required to complete a survey on arrangement of care, how they are treated by staff, hospital ambience, meals and data provided, resulting in a substantial rate of reviews from the patients (Porter, Stanton & Howman, 2013).The reviews from various sites of the hospital has helped the management to identify areas of weaker performance and proposing ideas on effective procedures giving the clinic a competitive advantage. Schon uses the outcome information with other stakeholders to evaluate care processes and raw treatments in terms of their cost and clinical impact by suggesting approaches for improvement. Thus, ensuring the adoption of clinicians responsibility in their various(prenominal) areas in the hospitals.The Schons model for delivering care for eating disorders consists of a baseline set of surveys which are make instantly following admission and the other set one week prior to discharge. The patients undergo a structured interview of Anorexic an d Bulimic Syndromes (SIAB-S). Further, every day a patients BMI and exercising weight are recorded and